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- Family Court Tool Kit: The Basics
Family Court Tool Kit: The Basics
Providing an overview of Florida’s family court.
What is this tool kit?
This tool kit contains basic information about Florida’s family court. It includes: a timeline of significant family court events; a listing of case types that comprise Florida’s family court; guiding principles; descriptions of the ten core components; information about the one family/ one judge model and noted benefits of the model; filings trends; process maps for dependency, delinquency, dissolution of marriage, and domestic violence injunction cases; and links to additional resources.
Why use it?
For judges new to the family court bench and newly hired court administration staff, this tool kit is a “must read” for obtaining foundational knowledge about family court.
Who should use it?
Judges, magistrates, hearing officers, and court staff in family court.
When should it be used?
As soon as you get your family court assignment! Or as soon as you are hired into a court administration position. It is also beneficial to re-read it periodically to ground yourself in the underlying principles and components of Florida’s family courts.
How should it be used?
The tool kit is organized in the following way: click the links on the left side of this page to take you to valuable information and tools regarding each family court topic!
Read it, digest it, practice it, and present it for discussion at a brown bag luncheon, court workshop, or learning circle.