Florida’s Florida Courts
Current Charges
CHARGE ONE: Recommend to the Supreme Court by June 30, 2023, best practices for circuits to serve dually involved children more effectively based on implementation by the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Juvenile Justice of chapter 2022-67, Laws of Fla. (HB 7065, 2022 Reg. Sess.).
CHARGE TWO: Develop resources, best practices, and case management techniques for critical issues that arise in family cases that involve high conflict domestic violence and submit them by December 31, 2023, for consideration by the Court.
CHARGE THREE: Serve as subject matter experts to the Publications Committee of the Florida Court Education Council to finalize a domestic relations benchbook and resource compendium, ensuring that emerging promising practices are incorporated.
CHARGE FOUR: Assist the multidisciplinary dependency court improvement panel, the statewide delinquency court improvement advisory group, and the statewide domestic violence advisory group, which are established by Office of the State Courts Administrator to guide the federally funded improvement projects. Ensure that the work of these various groups benefits all family court case types, when applicable.
Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Court